We arrived at Emily’s house after driving through the tree lined streets of Boscabel and then down a driveway flanked with agapanthus.
The house is about 9 years old and built in a villa style. The section is bordered on most sides with huge avocado trees. When Emily first moved in she said there were a lot of pretty fussy gardens which they are slowly removing and replanting in a NZ native theme.
There are newly established pohutukawa on the back lawn and manuka and native hibiscus at the back door. We stopped to nibble at the cranberry/Chilean guava which was covered in hundreds of gorgeous looking miniature red berries.
Out the front of the house are lavender and techrium hedges leading us onto the swimming pool.
Once again native plantings have been established with a stunning mass planting of flaxes down one edge of the pool and native blue grasses and lancewoods at one end.
The garden then terraces down to established cherry, magnolia and more huge avocado trees with underplantings of hellebores, Japanese windflower and liriopes. Emily has been interplanting with more natives such as rimu and miniature kowhais.
We finished off with a delicious morning tea and a swim for the children.
Thank you Emily for a very relaxing morning.